Community – Policies

Community Policy is determined primarily at Group level, Sale Central Scout Group are proud to recognise that we form an important role in community life, not only are our members taken from the local community but our leaders and executive members are also taken from that same community.

Our premises also form a large part of the community, although the primary role of those premises must always be the fulfilment of Scouting activities, we also recognise that they offer a service to our community as a place to host private functions such as Birthday Parties as well as commercial interests for special interest groups and for third party businesses such as playgroups and such like.

We will always endeavour to facilitate alternative uses for our premises where the use is both legal and does not impede on the use of the premises by others.

Use of our premises will always be considered by the Group Executive Committee and will be subject to a signed agreement which stipulates what areas of our premises are available at what price, what activities may be undertaken and in what condition the premises should be left. Failure to agree on these terms may lead to a refusal to hire.

Although groups, clubs and individuals pay a hire fee for use of the premises, this fee goes directly to the Scout Group towards the upkeep of the premises and the cost of utility services. We are staffed completely by volunteers who do not offer their time to clean and repair aspects of damage caused by third parties.